World Pneumonia Day 2020 | Foods That Can Reduce Pneumonia Risk & Improve Recovery

Cough, chills, fever and difficulty in breathing are the symptoms of COVID-19 which everyone is now made well aware today. But there exists another lung condition that has been around for thousands of years that carry similar symptoms and also induce similar health risk and it is called as Pneumonia.

Pneumonia – A Global Medical Concern

An acute lung infection which was noted throughout our human history, Pneumonia’s symptoms have been around us since as early as 4 B.C. It was in the 19th century, researchers were able to pin-point the symptoms and identify the cause of this lung infection.

Bacteria, virus and fungi infections that are found to be the causes of the lung infection, and even though vaccine exist today they do not prevent all cases of pneumonia making it a serious medical concern around the globe. Every year it is estimated that 1.5 million children deaths are caused due to Pneumonia, the majority in developing nations.

World Pneumonia Day 2020 – Medical Help & Prevention:

Pneumonia can be a serious medical condition that needs prompt medical attention and supervision. Patients with symptoms can seek help from an emergency care doctor or primary care doctors and may be further referred to infectious diseases specialist or lung disease specialist.

Given it’s an infectious disease, everyone must take proper precautionary steps to ensure you stay away from the infection. Maintain proper hygiene, wash your hands properly, and avoid exposure to ill people, avoid smoking and drinking during illness, get enough rest and while you are at it you can ensure a nutritious and well-balanced diet to improve your immune system and keep the infection at bay. So here are a few foods that you can incorporate into your diet to guard yourself against the infection:

  1. Whole grains: Infections can be energy-draining which is why you need a constant supply of energy from carbohydrates and whole grains are their best source. Whole grains are packed with complex carbohydrates and B vitamins which keep the temperature in control while providing you sufficient energy for your maintenance.

Sources – Brown rice, buckwheat, millets, and oats (rolled) barley, quinoa & more.

  1. Citrus fruits: Vitamin C present in all kinds of citrus fruits is a powerful antioxidant that can strengthen your immune system, keep lungs healthy by respiratory infections. They are also a great source of fibre, low in calories and are easily available in India to load them onto your plate.

Sources – Oranges, sweet lime, lemons, berries kiwi, papaya are great sources of Vitamin C.

  1. Green leafy vegetables: In addition to healthy vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C & A, green leafy vegetables are filled with antioxidants, fibre potassium and loads of other essential nutrients. These vital nutrients play a crucial role in improving your immune system and guard our body against the viral, fungal and bacterial infections.

Sources – Spinach, lettuce, kale, microgreens, collards greens and all types of green leafy vegetables used in India cuisine.

In addition to the above using other probiotics, turmeric, ginger, honey and a sufficient amount of protein can improve your immunity and significantly reduce the risk of infection during this season. But remember consulting a primary care doctor or even lung disease specialist is the first thing you must do if you experience any breathing problems with cough, fever and chills and diet can only lend a helping hand when the main cause of infection is identified. If you are already suffering from breathing or lung problems and seek more help, you can contact best lung specialist & cardiothoracic surgeon in Hyderabad Dr Alla Gopala Krishna Gokhale here: