lung specialist in telangana

Asbestosis Symptoms Causes and Treatment

Hollywood Legend Steve McQueen’s booming career was cut short when he was diagnosed with Mesothelioma, a type of lung cancer caused by Asbestosis. A leading film star in 1960 his death was eventually traced back to continuous exposure to the Asbestos sheet during his time with the military. Yes, this consistent exposure to something as […]

Atelectasis vs. Pneumothorax Causes

Atelectasis and pneumothorax might sound quite similar in their definition but are different in many ways. Atelectasis refers to the partial collapse of the lung while pneumothorax refers to the complete collapse of lungs due to the presence of air in the cavity between them. Let us draw a comparison in both the medical conditions: […]

Two Easy Breathing Exercises to Improve Your Lung Capacity & Reduce the Risk of COPD

Chronic Pulmonary Obstructive Disease is an umbrella term for the group of progressive lung diseases that cause breathlessness, eventually reducing the lung function and impacting our everyday activities. Currently the third highest cause of all deaths, COPD could be even more dangerous than expected because a majority of the people are not aware of their […]