best cardiac surgeon in india

Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT)

A specialised treatment method called cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) treats heart failure that occurs in a few individuals. The goal of this advanced medical therapy is to increase the heart’s ability to pump blood and bring back synchronised contractions of the heart chambers. Heart failure is a disorder where the heart muscle deteriorates, making it […]

What is Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)?

CPR, or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, is a procedure used to resuscitate someone whose heart has stopped beating or whose breathing has stopped. It is a life-saving technique that involves applying pressure on the chest to create a flow of oxygenated blood to the vital organs, including the brain until medical help arrives. The top cardiac surgeons […]

Balloon Valvuloplasty for Congenital Aortic Valve Stenosis

The heart is the most sensitive and precious organ of the body that needs to be taken care of at all times. The valves and the other veins that are connected to your heart need to be functioning perfectly at all times. In case of any issues regarding these valves, you need to immediately get […]